Tech News, Dec 2021



The Top 100 Video Games of all Time | YouTube

Mico | A USB microphone based on Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU | CNX Software

Intro to DOTS NetCode | DOTS Tutorial | Build a Multiplayer AR app

How to Install KiCad Version 6 and Organize Part Libraries | CIRCUITSTATE Electronics

GitHub | zt3h/MaroAPI: A lightweight Hypixel Skyblock API, providing a user with an easier way to communicate with Hypixel's API.

GitHub’s 2021 State of the Octoverse Report Finds Devs Flourishing in Changing Times | ZDNet

GitHub | katef/eurorack-cpu: A CPU implemented in a modular synthesizer

Attempt to compare different types of intelligence falls a bit short | Ars Technica


GitHub | ssantoshp/Beibo: 🤖 Predict the stock market with AI 用AI预测股票市场

GitHub | mattst88/gmail-gitlab-filtering: Google Apps Script for Gmail to filter and sort email from GitLab

Deep Learning Can’t Be Trusted, Brain Modeling Pioneer Says | IEEE Spectrum

8 Free ML courses – our favorites | TheSequence

12 inspiring examples of open source in education this year |


The Three Cent Motor Controller | Hackaday

AIBrain: Providing Excellence in Artificial Intelligence Applications


Top 10 Online Machine Learning Courses to Apply For in 2022

GitHub | mchong6/JoJoGAN: Official PyTorch repo for JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization


Top 25 Computer Vision Projects 2021 | YouTube

Top 10 Open-Source AI Tools and Frameworks to Use in 2022

The future of 3D display and the emergence of holographic television

Our most technical people are down on AI … and that’s a good thing | TechRepublic

Making a Simple Data Pipeline Part 4: CI/CD with GitHub Actions | CodeProject

Imagine a world without AI, CIO News, ET CIO

GitHub | uptrace/uptrace: Distributed tracing using OpenTelemetry and ClickHouse

GitHub | antfu/birpc: Message-based two-way remote procedure call.

21 Popular Hackster Projects From 2021 |

2021's Top Stories About AI | IEEE Spectrum


The Evolution of Robotics- The Story Behind and it's Future

LuxCoreRender 2.6 Released For This Great Open-Source, Physically Based Renderer | Phoronix

How Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Detect Diseases Faster And Save More Lives | Forbes | YouTube

GitHub | ggseg/python-ggseg: Python module for ggseg-like visualizations

BIOS Flashing Journey Writeup Puts Tutorials To Shame | Hackaday

9 open source alternatives to try in 2022 |


10 Raspberry Pi project ideas from 2021 |


OpenAI Releases GLIDE: A Scaled-Down Text-to-Image Model That Rivals DALL-E Performance | Synced

Darktable 3.8 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Released as a Massive Update | 9to5Linux


‘Significant breakthrough’ in bionic eye development | TweakTown

Science Made Simple: What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Open source NLP is fueling a new wave of startups | VentureBeat

EETimes | Coherent Vision Can Help Machines See Like Humans

2021's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math and Computer Science | YouTube


Our Favorite Science Projects of the Year, From Fake Leopards to a Torture Orchard | Atlas Obscura

OpenCV Area Chairs | OpenCV

Github | Return Youtube Dislike Count

AI Used To Predict Synthesis of Complex Novel Materials – “Materials No Chemist Could Predict”


When Scientists Used Machine Learning to Spot Bad Lines in 700 Bollywood Films | The Wire Science

Raspberry Pi Zero projects 2022 | best ideas & uses to try yourself | IONOS

Model moves computers closer to understanding human conversation

MIT professor’s AI predicts breast cancer risk from mammograms | The Washington Post

GitHub | GLIDE: Towards Photorealistic Image Generation and Editing with Text-Guided Diffusion Models.

Better than Photoshop: AI synthesizes and edits complex images from a text description — and they're mind-bogglingly good

'Computer Vision' teams struggle with training data putting projects at risk


Strap This Linux-Powered NUC to Your Face for Virtual Productivity | Tom’s Hardware

CWRU researchers developing technique that could identify fake artworks using artificial intelligence |

Consciousness in Humans, Animals and Artificial Intelligence | Neuroscience News

AWS open source news and updates #94 | DEV Community


Navigation Neuroscience: How a Fly’s Brain Calculates Its Position in Space

Hand Distance Measurement with Normal Webcam + Game | OpenCV Python | YouTube


NeuSpell: A Neural Net Based Spelling Correction Toolkit

MIT Researchers Just Discovered an AI Mimicking the Brain on Its Own

Experts Say China Developing High-Level Computer Technology


Scientists Haven't 'Created' a Warp Bubble, But They're a Bit Closer to Testing One | ExtremeTech

A Full End-to-End Deployment of a Machine Learning Algorithm into a Live Production Environment | KDnuggets


Commodore 64 Games Are Being Teased For Nintendo Switch | Nintendo Life

An Advanced AI Gave An Unsettling Answer During A Debate With Humans About Ethics | IFLScience


Write Clean Python Code Using Pipes | KDnuggets

Timnit Gebru on misconceptions about artificial intelligence — Quartz at Work

OpenCV AI Kit | Lite (and Tiny) by OpenCV — Kickstarter

AWS Launches SageMaker Studio Lab, Free Tool to Learn and Experiment with Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence Can Generate Plausible, Entertaining, and Scientifically Interesting Titles for Research Articles


OpenAI begins allowing customers to fine-tune GPT-3 | VentureBeat

How to become a Linux pro | ZDNet

GitLab acquires open source observability distribution Opstrace | VentureBeat

Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie On 2021 Top Search Term List: Google | Sarasota, FL Patch

Breakthrough AI Technique Enables Real-Time Rendering of Scenes in 3D From 2D Images

A Slim 7400 Logic VGA Board For All Your Retro Needs | Hackaday

A Programming Language To Express Programming Frustration | Hackaday


RaspiReader: build your own fingerprint reader | Raspberry Pi

Malicious PyPI packages with over 10,000 downloads taken down

How I use open source to design my own card games |

Blink an LED on ESP32 board with Tuya Link SDK | CNX Software

A Self Righting Balancing Robot Configured The Easy Way | Hackaday


Why I no longer use the MIT license for new projects | DEV Community


Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi 2nd Edition out, just in time for Christmas! | Raspberry Pi

Passing the Turing Test: AI "GPT-3" creates human-like text | Big Think

My Brush With Puzzle Brain | Defector

Machine learning speeds up vehicle routing | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Indie Retro News: Ermentrud | A new Adventure game appears for high end Amigas(OS3/4/MORPH), PC and MAC!

How to Build Your Own Android TV Box with Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!

A reverse chronology of some Python features


One board to rule them all: History of the Arduino UNO | Arduino Blog

Mathematicians Transcend Geometric Theory of Motion | Quanta Magazine

Hand Recognition and Finger Identification with Raspberry Pi and OpenCV | Tutorial Australia

Creator Economy, Supply Chain Software and the Metaverse Set to Drive 2022 Technology Trends, New GP Bullhound Report Predicts | Business Wire


Tiny machine learning design alleviates a bottleneck in memory usage on internet-of-things devices | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

INTJ Personality: Common Traits, Strengths, Weaknesses + More


Raspberry Pi just added an alternative version of its operating system | ZDNet

European activists fight for right to repair electronics | ABC News

C vs. Python: The Key Differences

AWS Re:Invent: How Real Is Amazon’s No-Code/Low-Code Play? – The New Stack


Stacking Up AMD MI200 Versus Nvidia A100 Compute Engines

Python power-up: new image tool visualizes complex data

A Quadruped Humanoid Robot Might Be Able To Do It All | IEEE Spectrum


How AI is revolutionising coding | The Saturday Paper

GitHub | blobcity/autoai: Python based framework for Automatic AI for Regression and Classification over numerical data. Performs model search, hyper-parameter tuning, and high-quality Jupyter Notebook code generation.


The Future of Robotic Mobility | YouTube

Human-like robot "wakes up" as UK company unveils android Ameca | YouTube

How can a board game help AI solve complex mathematics?

GitHub | facebookresearch/AugLy: A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, and video.

Facebook AI Introduces 'NeuralProphet': A Hybrid Forecasting Framework Based on PyTorch And Trained With Standard Deep Learning Methods | MarkTechPost

‘Artificial Intelligence is a misnomer’ | Sir Roger Penrose | YouTube

Add a map to your Android app (Kotlin)  |  Google Developers


Use BespokeSynth on Fedora Linux | Fedora Magazine

Twitch Introduces Machine Learning Feature to Detect Suspicious Users

tikz 3dplot | How to draw a cylinder above a cube with dashed lines? | TeX | LaTeX Stack Exchange

OCR Passports with OpenCV and Tesseract | PyImageSearch

Nvidia Dominates Latest MLPerf Results but Competitors Start Speaking Up

Maths researchers hail breakthrough in applications of artificial intelligence

Machine learning to make sign language more accessible

GitHub | github/copilot.vim: Neovim plugin for GitHub Copilot

AWS launches SageMaker Studio Lab, a free tool for learning machine learning – TechCrunch

Updated: 2025-Jan-29 06:50

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